Branch AGMs
15 th AGM of IDST-Bangalore was held on 22 nd September 2018 at Aeronautical Society of India Auditorium. It was held in two sessions viz Business and Technical. 75 members attended the meeting.
1. Business Session
i. Prof HS Bhatia, Branch Chairman briefed elaborately about progress made and Technical activities carried by the Branch during last one year. Report was well received by the members.
ii. Members showed keen interest on financial position of the Branch and expressed happiness on financial health of the Branch.
iii. Secretary appealed members to take active part in Branch activities. He said IDST elections are due shortly and appealed for active involvement of members in election.
iv. He also brought out that for efficient functioning of the Branch, office support plays an important role. He said that in his opinion Staff deployed in branches should be a mix of young and senior & experienced personnel. It is felt that honorarium paid to the staff here is too less and low honorarium is unable to attract suitable candidate for office assistance. He appealed to the council members from Bangalore to take up the issue of increasing the honorarium for PIs & office staff in the forthcoming CC meeting & HQ AGM being held at Pune next week.
2. Technical Session
Dr Ali Khwaja, Banjara Academy delivered Dr Raja Ramanna Memorial Talk on ‘Life Beyond Sixty’ which was well appreciated by everybody. This session was chaired by Shri S Vardarjan, Former Director, LRDE. 10 senior members of the Branch were felicitated on crossing the age of 75 years.
Shri MD Aravamudhan, Former Director, ADE was recognised for his exemplary services as PI for design of UAV airframe and was felicitated. Other PI, Shri K Sridhar Bhat, LRDE could not attend the function.
A Statement of case was prepared and forwarded to R&D hqrs. as a follow up of the paper on “Scientific mentoring in DRDO for skill Development and Higher Productivity” which had been earlier generated and sent to DRDO Hqrs.
As further follow up of this activity an interaction/preliminary discussion was held in the office of Director DTRL Delhi. Dr.K.S.Manja (retd. DOP) and IDST(B) co-ordinator for this activity along with Dr.A.K.Singh Director HRD, Dr. S.M. Veerbhadrappa Director DTRL , Shri R.B.Singh (retd. Director-CEPTAM) and Shri J.K.Sharma Vice-Chairman IDST(B) participated in this discussion and it was resolved that a “Brainstorming Session” with appropriate participation from IDST and DRDO hqrs. will be organized shortly to focus on the “Mentoring” requirements as perceived by the DRDO. One more meeting was held between Dr. AK Singh Director HRD & officiating DOP, Dr KS Manja (former DOP) and K. Seshasayan Vice Chairman on 17 Jan 2012.
A detailed Statement of Case will then be prepared by IDST to undertake the task of Mentoring in an appropriate project mode.
Institute of Defence Scientists and Technologists
c/o Solid State Physics Laboratory,
Lucknow Road, Timarpur
Delhi - 110 054
CFEES Campus
Brig. S K Majumdar Road,
Delhi - 110 054
CFEES Campus,
Brig SK Mazumdar Road,
Timarpur, Delhi- 110054
DLRL Campus,
Hyderabad - 500 005
Institute of Defence Scientists & Technologists
Pune Branch
ARDE Campus
35, DSC Line, Pashan
Pune - 411 021