hyderabad » Trainings & Seminars

Courses/ Seminars/ Workshops / Symposia – Conducted



Title of the Course

Duration and dates



Study of Mission Critical application Development using Linux

8 weeks,

8 Dec  to 10 Jan 2004 



Linux for Robust Applications and Real time Applications in Defence

1 week,

10 to 15 May 2004



Development of device Drivers and Embedded applications in Linux

1 month,

19 July to 18 Aug 2004 



Embedded Linux

5 days,

21  to 25 Feb 2005



National Seminar on Missile Systems and Technologies

2 Days, 

26 & 27 Oct  2007



Digital Design Using Field programmable Logic Device 

3 Days,

 4 - 6 Aug 2009



Quality and Reliability Management for Aerospace

3 Days,

25 - 27 Mar 2015

ASL Auditorium, Hyderabad


Course on Radar EW

4 Days,

9,10, 16&17 Oct 2015

BEL Hyderabad


Safety Management-Challenges in Building Technological & Managerial  Competence in Safety Engineering & Practices


2  Days,

8 -9 Sept 2016

DRDO Auditorium, DRDO Township, Hyderabad                         


Design Concepts and Practices of EMC

3 Days,

25 -27 July 2017

DRDO Auditorium, DRDO Township, Hyderabad


Course on Communication EW

2 Days,

21 &28 Oct 2017

BEL Hyderabad


Course on Radar EW

2 Days,

26May & 2 June 2018

BEL Hyderabad


Missile Design, Development & System Engineering “

3 Days,

4,5 & 6 Sept, 2018

BEL Bangalore


IRMAWS (Intermediate Range Missile Advance Warming System

3 Days,

22,23 & 24 Oct 2018

BEL Bangalore


Course on Radar EW

2 Days,

10 & 17 Nov 2018

BEL Hyderabad


Fundamentals of Rockets and Missiles

3 Days

27,28 &29 Nov, 2018

BEL Bangalore


Advances in Reliability and Quality Assurance for Missile & Airborn Applications

3 days.

24-26 Jul 19

ASL Auditorium, ASL Hyderabad


COMINT – Concepts and Analysis

See details

3 days

16th to 18th Nov 2019

BEL Academy of Excellence, Hyderabad.


Missile Technology Advance

See details

5 days

11th to 16th Nov 2019

BEL Academy of Excellence, Hyderabad.

Technical Documentation for DRDO Projects / Products

3 Days

18 - 20 March,2020

DLRL Hyderabad


Initiatives taken by members to take up projects
Most of projects /assignments that come to IDST are thru the initiative of DRDO Labs on Hyderabad Branch couple of members had taken pains and projected topics for study projects which were finally approved by Director DLRL after due deliberations. The outcomes of the projects were well appreciated by the Lab. The Projects were

1. Dr E Bhagirath Rao - “Feasibility study of using mini satellite for Electronic warfare application”
2. Sri Nagender Rao - ”Investigation of time difference of arrival (TDOA) based on geo location technique for communication signals” The Feasibility study on mini satellite by Dr Bhagirath Rao had paved the way for a national programme on the subject.

Working Groups
Hyderabad Council constituted 3 working groups in 2007 for three disciplines viz

(i) Missile Technologies (ii) Electronics (iii) Materials.
Each working groups had 5-7 members from the respective Laboratories. The purpose was to increase technical interaction between IDST members in the respective disciplines and also has provided more possibilities of interaction with respective labs. The second objective was to motivate IDST members to come forward to take up projects /assignments on their initiatives.

These groups met regularly and were helpful in getting following events organized:
1. National Seminar on Missile system and technology in Oct 2007
2. Short term course on digital design using field programmable logic devices
3. Supported initiatives of IDST members to earn the study projects.
4. Technical Lecture series by IDST members Sept 2010
5. Prof Bhagavantham Memorial Lecture Sep 2010
6. Provided many new ideas where IDST Hyderabad could take lead in proposing projects

Short Term Courses / Workshops

Sl.No Title of the Course Duration and dates Participants





Study of Mission Critical application Development using Linux
Linux for Robust Applications and Real time Applications in Defence
Development of device Drivers and Embedded applications in Linux
Embedded Linux
Digital Design Using Field programmable Logic Device 
8 weeks 8 Dec 2003 to 10 Jan 2004 
1 week 10 May 2004 to 15 May 
1 month 19 July 2004 to 18 Aug 2004 
5 days 21 Feb 2005 to 25 Feb 2005
3 Days 4 - 6 Aug 2009







Brief details of Course on Digital Design Using Field programmable Logic Devices
A short term course on Digital Design Using Field programmable Logic Devices (FPLD) was organized and conducted by Hyderabad branch of IDST from 4-6 August 2009 in the DLRL Seminar Hall. Shri G Bhhopathy Rao, Director, DLRL was the Chief Guest and also inaugurated the Course. Dr RL Saha , Chairman, IDST, Hyd presided the opening session. Shri G Nagendra Rao was the Course Director. Dr (Mrs) Ramamani, Vice Chairman of the IDST, Hyd was Course Coordinator

The course was conducted successfully with 32 participants from various electronics labs of DRDO. The faculty consisted of IDST members, professors of academic institutions and Industry representatives. The course consisted of six technical sessions and two practical demonstrations. Course materials in printed as well as CD form were given to all the participants along with one Text book for the continued reference

The course was conducted successfully with 32 participants from various electronics labs of DRDO. The faculty consisted of IDST members, professors of academic institutions and Industry representatives. The course consisted of six technical sessions and two practical demonstrations. Course materials in printed as well as CD form were given to all the participants along with one Text book for the continued reference

Seminar On Missile Systems And Technologies (Msat 2007)
A seminar was organized and conducted by IDST, Hyderabad on 26-27 October 2007 at DRDL Auditorium in coordination with the Missile complex, DRDO, Hyderabad. Dr VK Saraswat, the then Chief Controller R&D (presently Scientific Advisor and Patron of IDST) inaugurated the Seminar. Shri A. Chakraborthy and Shri SK Ray were the Guests of Honour. Dr RL Saha, Chairman, IDST, Hyderabad and Chairman of the Organising Coomittee of MSAT-2007 delivered the Welcome Address. Three senior members of IDST, Hyderabad, viz., Dr E Bhagiratha Rao, Shri Suryakanta Rao and Shri BS Shankar Rao, who had crossed 75 years, were felicitated by the IDST. Dr Hardyanath could not attend the felicitation ceremony.

The seminar was a grand success with participation of about 30 organisations including DRDO labs, academic institutions, Defence undertakings and private entrepreneurs besides institutes like NFTDC, ARCI etc. A total of 44 technical papers were presented by scientists/engineers and these were well received and appreciated by a large audience consisting of about 200 persons including a large number of IDST members. It was heartening to note that even during the concluding session involving Panel Discussion about 160 scientists and engineers took part. The points that emerged in this panel discussion included an overwhelming requirement for bringing together various facets of respective technologies on one platform. ITR scientists expressed the desire for conducting a course on Missile systems and technologies to be organized at Balasore.

The seminar was successful and played a vital role in consolidating the achievements of DRDO in developing different categories of missile systems using wide spectrum of technologies. The seminar also provided a forum to bring scientists and technologists on one patform. Further, the seminar gave a good opportunity to different DDO labs and other organizations to interact with IDST members, who had accumulated wealth of knowledge, expertise and experience over the years. The seminar also highlighted new technologies by young scientists of the Missile complex thus pavaing the way to next generation of scientists.

Prof Sri Bhagavantham Memorial Lecture
Dr S Bhagavantham (DOB Oct 1909) was our 2nd Scientific Advisor (1961-69) credited for building a huge infrastructure in DRDO and creating a more than 20 new laboratories. He had brilliant academic career and worked with Prof CV Raman in his Laboratory in Calcutta. He was Director, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore and also Vice Chancellor, Osmania University. He was very respected scientist with all round abilities.

The Branch Council decided to hold Prof Bhagawantham Memorial Lecture along with Branch AGM’S. The first memorial Lecture was planned with all India AGM in Hyderabad in 24th Sept 2010. in DLRL Seminar Hall. Dr E Bhagiratha Rao, Former Director DLRL delivered the first Bhagavantam Memorial Lecture titled “Prof Bhagavantham -His contribution to Science and Technology”. Sri Avinash Chandra DS and Director ASL was the Chief guest and Sri Srinivasa President IDST presided over the function. Dr Krishnamurthy (Former CCR&D) and Close associate of Prof Bhagavantham also graced the occasion. The Prof Bhagavantham Memorial Lecture was well attended and also graced by the presence of Dr Malkondiah, DS and Director, DMRL Shri Shastry, Director ANURAG, Director GATEC and Senior Scientists of DLRL and IDST Central Members.


The Hyderabad branch of IDST organized the second lecture under the Prof Bhagvantham Memorial Lecture series. The first memorial lecture, which was organized along with the All India AGM in Hyderabad on 24th Sept 2010 was delivered by Dr E Bhagiratha Rao, former Director of DLRL. To coincide with the Annual General Meeting of the Hyderabad Branch for the FY 2011-12, the second Memorial lecture was organized at the DLRL Seminar hall in the morning session. Prof BL Deekshatulu, Distinguished Scientist and former Director of National Remote Science Agency (NRSA) delivered a popular talk on “Satellite Imaging, Image Retrieval- Forensics”. Being a new and interesting topic, the talk evinced keen interest from an august audience comprising of 65 IDST members and about 50 Senior Scientists of the local DRDO laboratories. Considering the fact that it was a working day the lecture was well attended. Shri G Boopathy Rao, Director, DLRL, Shri CVS Sastry, Director, ANURAG and Dr Amol Gokhale, Officiatin Director, DMRL also graced the occasion.

Technical Lecture Series
The Branch Council had also decided to initiate a Technical lectures series where IDST members deliver Lecture on current and important topic. Topic for the first technical lecture series was Electronic Warfare and it was to club with All India AGM and held on 24th Sept 2010 in seminar hall of DLRL. The two lectures were delivered by Former Directors of DLRL viz

1.Shri Divakar. OS - “Insight into Electronic Warfare”
2. Prof Kumarswamy Rao, - OS “ ECM Technologies for future Military Communication Satellites”
Sri G Bhoopathy , OS and Director DLRL was the chief guest and the occasion was presided over by Lt Gen (Retd) Tejpaul, Vice President, IDST. Both the Lecture were greatly appreciated for their topical richness and information. Sri Bhoopathy, Director DLRL in his inaugural address provided insight to Electronic Warfare and DLRL contributions. The Technical Lecture series was also well attended by DLRL service Scientists and IDST Council Members and IDST Members.


Missile Technology-

Design, development and system engineering training program on 4th Sep to 6th Sep 2018





Missile Technology- Advanced


Advances in  Reliability and Quality Assurance for Missile and Airborne Applications: During 24 - 26 July 2019


A 3-day  course was organised for DRDO Scientists during 24 to 26 July'19 at ASL Auditorium, Hyderabad. Dr MRM Babu, DS and Director ASL was the Chief Guest and Dr AK Singh, OS & Director DLRL was the Guest of Honoru. Sri P. Narasimha Rao was the Course Director and Sri Purna Darapuneni is the Course Coordinator.


The course was conducted successfully with 72 participants from various DRDO labs, The faculty consists of IDST Members, Design teams, Certification  Agencies, Testing and Production agencies. The course consists of 14 technical sessions and followed by feedback session. It is an interactive session, the participants interacted with speakers and got their clarifications and answers. Overall the course was well received and appreciated by the participants & Speakers. Course material was distributed in the form of DVD. R Adm Ranjit Singh, Director, QR&S, DRDO HQ was the chief guest on Valedictory session.




COMINT - Concepts & Analysis  : During 16 - 18 Oct 2019


A 3-day course was organised for BEL Engineers during 16 to 18 Oct'19 at BEL Nalanda Academy, Bengaluru. Sri R. Jagdeesh Kumar, AGM BEL was the Chief Guest. Sri P. Raghavendra Rao was the Course Director and Sri Purna Darapuneni is the Course Coordinator. 


The course was conducted successfully with 18 participants from various BEL Units. The faculty consists of IDST Members. The course consists of 14 technical sessions followed by Evaluation Test and feedback session. It is an interactive session, the participants interacted with speakers and got their clarifications and answers. Overall the course was well received and appreciated by the participants & Speakers.
Course material was distributed in the form of a pen drive.




Missile Technology - Advanced   : During 11 - 15 Nov 2019


A 5-day course was organised for BEL Engineers during 11 to 15 Nov'19 at BEL Nalanda Academy, Bengaluru. Sri R. Jagdeesh Kumar, AGM BEL was the Chief Guest. Sri P. Raghavendra Rao was the Course Director and Sri Purna Darapuneni is the Course Coordinator. 


The course was conducted successfully with 14 participants from various BEL Units. The faculty consists of IDST Members and DRDO Scientists. The course consists of 27 technical sessions followed by Evaluation Test and feedback session. It is an interactive session, the participants interacted with speakers and got their clarifications and answers. Overall the course was well received and appreciated by the participants & Speakers.
Course material was distributed in the form of pen drive.




Technical Documentation for DRDO Projects/Products : During 18 - 20 Mar 2020


A 3-day  course was organised for DRDO Scientists during 18 to 20 March'20 at DLRL Seminar Hall, Hyderabad. Dr AK Singh, OS & Director DLRL was the Chief Guest. Sri P. Narasimha Rao was the Course Director and Sri Purna Darapuneni is the Course Coordinator. 


The course was conducted successfully with 24 participants from various DRDO labs, The faculty consists of IDST Members, Design teams, Certification  Agencies and Audit & Account Dept. The course consists of 15 technical sessions and followed by feedback session. It is an interactive session, the participants interacted with speakers and got their clarifications and answers. Overall the course was well received and appreciated by the participants & Speakers. Course material was distributed in the form of DVD. Sri VV Raghava Rao, Vice President IDST, was the  chief guest on Valedictory session and distributed the Certificates to the Participants.


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Delhi - 110 054

Phone: (011) 2381 0152, 2390 7263
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Brig SK Mazumdar Road,
Timarpur, Delhi- 110054

Phone: (011) 23810152 , 9822019102 (SecGen)
Fax: (011) 23810152
hyderabad Branch

DLRL Campus,
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Phone: (040) 2444 1310, 6281208477
Fax: (040) 2444 0375
pune Branch

Institute of Defence Scientists & Technologists
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