Conceptualised for utilizing the vast pool of knowledge, experience and technical know-how of the retired scientists of DRDO for the benefit of DRDO.
DRDO recognized IDST as a "Deemed Academic Institution" for the purpose of acquisition of professional service from IDST.
The Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) of the Ministry of Science and Technology, have accorded recognition to IDST as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (SIRO) till 31 March 2025.
The Vision of IDST is to make aware of the talents nurtured by DRDO and benefit from their capabilities in design, development and management of multifarious disciplines from the point of view of Defence R&D and Technology.
The Mission of IDST is to make available the expertise and knowledge of the vast pool of retired DRDO scientists, who are still in the prime of their intellectual capability, to the parent organisation as well as to any credible organisation in need of such high quality of Personnel.
Institute of Defence Scientists and Technologists
c/o Solid State Physics Laboratory,
Lucknow Road, Timarpur
Delhi - 110 054
CFEES Campus
Brig. S K Majumdar Road,
Delhi - 110 054
CFEES Campus,
Brig SK Mazumdar Road,
Timarpur, Delhi- 110054
DLRL Campus,
Hyderabad - 500 005
Institute of Defence Scientists & Technologists
Pune Branch
ARDE Campus
35, DSC Line, Pashan
Pune - 411 021